

Technical writing is the use of concise, detailed, direct, and informative language to communicate with people through documents such as emails, reports, blogs, and wikis.

This wiki is dedicated to providing information about the course, guides for effective technical writing, and other resources that will help you learn to succeed in technical and professional writing.

Site Navigation:
Discussion Page: List of forums pertaining to the class and subject.
Assignments: All assignments and respective due dates.
Grading: Class guide for grading scales.
Course Text and Resources: Important documents for the class and resources for editing and writing.
D2l Notifications:
Wiki Progress Report due on Wednesday, April 25, 2018, 2:00 PM

Notes from the Professor:

Strive hard to work on your Recommended Research Proposal


Final Recommendation Report: Wednesday, May 2
Oral Presentation: Monday, May 7

hello there programmer
we meet again

If you have any questions feel free to contact Dr. Windholz at:


Email: ude.pihs|zlohdniwrj#ude.pihs|zlohdniwrj
Office Location: Dauphin Humanities Center 107
Office Hours: MW 11:30-1:30, TR 12:30-2:30
Meet the Professor

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License